Assorted Brown Egg Layer

This will be an assortment of our standard brown egg layers based on availability. This assortment will not include meat birds of any kind, or white egg layers. You will receive a mix and variety of any of the following breeds: Sapphire GemĀ®, ISA Brown, Amberlink, Production Red, Rhode Island Red, Barred Plymouth Rock, Buff Orpington, and more! Purpose: Brown Egg Layers. Production: 200-300 Medium to Large Brown Eggs/Year Temperament: Varies By Breed Mature Weight: 5-6 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Varies By Breed Comb Type: Varies By Breed
0 - 1
1 - 15
15 - 25
25 - 50
50 - 100
100 +
Sold out
Sold out
Sold out
Currently Unavailable